Advent of Languages: Day 7 - Vim script

24 December, 2019

2 minute read

This is a part of my ongoing challenge of solving every Advent of Code puzzle in a different language.

The challenge we're tackling today is available here.

Amplification Circuit

In this task, we are given the source code of an amplifier, written in Intcode. There are 5 of these amplifiers in a row. This source code takes the previous result from an amplifier and a “phase setting”. We’re given a set of phase settings and told to maximize the output of the entire system by finding the optimal permutation of the phase settings.

This task seems quite simple, besides the fact that we have to reimplement an intcode computer. This a problem with doing this challenge in a different language every day, I suspect we’ll have to do this many more times.

The Language

For most languages, I write code in the VIM editor. VIM is a simple but powerful editor. This editor uses a language called VIM script internally. I have decided to do this task in VIM script, as I’ve never really dug into it and understood it.

The Solution: Part 1

As usual, let’s take a look at the code, to begin with.

function! FindHighestResult(firmwareFile) abort
  let l:firmware = map(split(readfile(a:firmwareFile)[0], ","), "str2nr(v:val)")
  let l:bestResult = 0

  for l:phaseSettings in s:permutations([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
    let l:result = s:runAmplifiers(l:phaseSettings, l:firmware)
    if l:result > l:bestResult
      let l:bestResult = l:result

  echo l:bestResult

function! s:runAmplifiers(phaseSettings, firmware) abort
  let l:currentOutput = 0
  for l:setting in a:phaseSettings
    let l:currentOutput = s:runIntCode(a:firmware, [l:setting, l:currentOutput])[0]
  return l:currentOutput

function! s:permutations(list) abort
  if len(a:list) == 0
    return []
  elseif len(a:list) == 1
    return [a:list]

  let l:permutations = []
  let l:index = 0
  while l:index < len(a:list)
    let l:element = a:list[l:index]
    let l:rest = filter(copy(a:list), "v:val != l:element")

    for l:permutation in s:permutations(l:rest)
      let l:permutations = add(l:permutations, [l:element] + l:permutation)

    let l:index += 1

  return l:permutations

" Int machine code starts here -----------------------

let s:TAPE_SIZE = 1000

" Operations
let s:ADD = 1
let s:MULTIPLY = 2
let s:INPUT = 3
let s:OUTPUT = 4
let s:JUMP_IF_TRUE = 5
let s:JUMP_IF_FALSE = 6
let s:LESS_THAN = 7
let s:EQUALS = 8
let s:HALT = 99

" Modes
let s:POSITION = 0
let s:IMMEDIATE = 1

function! s:runIntCode(tape, inputs) abort
  let l:tape = s:createTape(a:tape, s:TAPE_SIZE)
  let l:inputs = copy(a:inputs)
  let l:outputs = []
  let l:index = 0
  let l:inputIndex = 0

  while 1
    let l:operation = l:tape[l:index] % 100

    if l:operation == s:ADD
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      let l:valueLocation = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 3)
      let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = l:firstArgument + l:secondArgument
      let l:index += 4
    elseif l:operation == s:MULTIPLY
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      let l:valueLocation = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 3)
      let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = l:firstArgument * l:secondArgument
      let l:index += 4
    elseif l:operation == s:INPUT
      let l:firstArgument = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:tape[l:firstArgument] = l:inputs[l:inputIndex]
      let l:inputIndex += 1
      let l:index += 2
    elseif l:operation == s:OUTPUT
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:outputs = add(l:outputs, l:firstArgument)
      let l:index += 2
    elseif l:operation == s:JUMP_IF_TRUE
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      if l:firstArgument != 0
        let l:index = l:secondArgument
        let l:index += 3
    elseif l:operation == s:JUMP_IF_FALSE
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      if l:firstArgument == 0
        let l:index = l:secondArgument
        let l:index += 3
    elseif l:operation == s:LESS_THAN
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      let l:valueLocation = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 3)
      if l:firstArgument < l:secondArgument
        let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = 1
        let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = 0
      let l:index += 4
    elseif l:operation == s:EQUALS
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      let l:valueLocation = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 3)
      if l:firstArgument == l:secondArgument
        let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = 1
        let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = 0
      let l:index += 4
    elseif l:operation == s:HALT
      return l:outputs
      throw "ERR: Unknown operation " . l:operation . " used"

function! s:createTape(tape, size) abort
  let l:index = 0
  let l:tape = []
  while l:index < a:size
    let l:tape = add(l:tape, get(a:tape, l:index, 0))
    let l:index += 1
  return l:tape

function! s:pow(number, power) abort
  if a:power == 0
    return 1
  return a:number * s:pow(a:number, a:power - 1)

function! s:readArgument(tape, index, offset) abort
  let l:parameterModes = a:tape[a:index] / 100
  let l:value = a:tape[a:index + a:offset]
  let l:mode = l:parameterModes / (s:pow(10, a:offset - 1)) % 10

  if l:mode == s:IMMEDIATE
    return l:value
  elseif l:mode == s:POSITION
    return a:tape[l:value]
    throw "ERR: Unknown parameter mode " . l:mode . " used"

function! s:readPointer(tape, index, offset) abort
  return a:tape[a:index + a:offset]

Our solution is divided into two main parts. First, we have the actual solution for finding the best permutation of settings for our amplifiers. Secondly, we have the intcode implementation for the amplifiers to run their firmware. I use the solution by sourcing it from vim and calling the main function, FindHighestResult directly from vim.

The implementation of the solution in FindHighestResult is simple. First, we read in and parse the intcode “firmware” of the amplifiers from a file. After that, we find all possible permutations of our given phase settings, then try running the amplifiers with those settings and the firmware we loaded earlier, finally finding the highest result. runAmplifiers just runs all 5 amplifiers with the given settings, passing their output to the next amplifier as an input.

The first thing you might notice is that most variables and functions have a prefix, like s: or l:. These denote the scope of the item. For example, l: means it’s local to a function, s: means it’s local to the script, a: means it’s an argument to the current function.

Our intcode machine implementation is very similar to the one we did in bash a couple of days ago, but with some extra abstractions for reading arguments with parameter modes, as vim script allows us to easily do that.

The Solution: Part 2

Let’s check the code.

function! FindHighestResult(firmwareFile) abort
  let l:firmware = map(split(readfile(a:firmwareFile)[0], ","), "str2nr(v:val)")
  let l:bestResult = 0

  for l:phaseSettings in s:permutations([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
    let l:result = s:runAmplifiers(l:phaseSettings, l:firmware)
    if l:result > l:bestResult
      let l:bestResult = l:result

  echo l:bestResult

function! s:runAmplifiers(phaseSettings, firmware) abort
  " set up initial machine states with the phase setting, we'll use them later
  let l:index = 0
  let l:machineStates = []
  while l:index < len(a:phaseSettings)
    let l:machineStates = add(l:machineStates, {
      \'state': s:RUNNING,
      \'tape': a:firmware,
      \'index': 0,
      \'inputs': [a:phaseSettings[l:index]],
      \'outputs': [],
    let l:index += 1

  let l:currentState = 0 " state propagated through the machine
  let l:index = 0
  while 1
    let l:machineState = l:machineStates[l:index]
    let l:machineState.inputs = add(l:machineState.inputs, l:currentState)

    let l:newState = s:runIntCode(l:machineState)

    if l:newState.state == s:HALTED && l:index == len(a:phaseSettings) - 1 " last machine halts

    if len(l:newState.outputs) " if a machine halts, it has no outputs.
      let l:output = l:newState.outputs[0]
      let l:newState.outputs = []

      let l:machineStates[l:index] = l:newState
      let l:currentState = l:output

    let l:index += 1
    let l:index = l:index % len(a:phaseSettings) " keep going back to the first one

  return l:currentState

function! s:permutations(list) abort
  if len(a:list) == 0
    return []
  elseif len(a:list) == 1
    return [a:list]

  let l:permutations = []
  let l:index = 0
  while l:index < len(a:list)
    let l:element = a:list[l:index]
    let l:rest = filter(copy(a:list), "v:val != l:element")

    for l:permutation in s:permutations(l:rest)
      let l:permutations = add(l:permutations, [l:element] + l:permutation)

    let l:index += 1

  return l:permutations

" Int machine code starts here -----------------------

" Configuration
let s:TAPE_SIZE = 1000

" Operations
let s:ADD = 1
let s:MULTIPLY = 2
let s:INPUT = 3
let s:OUTPUT = 4
let s:JUMP_IF_TRUE = 5
let s:JUMP_IF_FALSE = 6
let s:LESS_THAN = 7
let s:EQUALS = 8
let s:HALT = 99

" Modes
let s:POSITION = 0
let s:IMMEDIATE = 1

" Machine states
let s:RUNNING = 0
let s:HALTED = 1
let s:YIELD = 2

" settings should contain tape, index, outputs and inputs
function! s:runIntCode(settings) abort
  let l:tape = s:createTape(a:settings.tape, s:TAPE_SIZE)
  let l:inputs = copy(a:settings.inputs)
  let l:outputs = copy(a:settings.outputs)
  let l:index = a:settings.index

  while 1
    let l:operation = l:tape[l:index] % 100

    if l:operation == s:ADD
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      let l:valueLocation = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 3)
      let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = l:firstArgument + l:secondArgument
      let l:index += 4
    elseif l:operation == s:MULTIPLY
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      let l:valueLocation = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 3)
      let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = l:firstArgument * l:secondArgument
      let l:index += 4
    elseif l:operation == s:INPUT
      let l:firstArgument = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:tape[l:firstArgument] = l:inputs[0]
      call remove(l:inputs, 0)
      let l:index += 2
    elseif l:operation == s:OUTPUT
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:outputs = add(l:outputs, l:firstArgument)
      let l:index += 2
      return {
        \'state': s:YIELD,
        \'tape': l:tape,
        \'index': l:index,
        \'inputs': l:inputs,
        \'outputs': l:outputs,
    elseif l:operation == s:JUMP_IF_TRUE
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      if l:firstArgument != 0
        let l:index = l:secondArgument
        let l:index += 3
    elseif l:operation == s:JUMP_IF_FALSE
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      if l:firstArgument == 0
        let l:index = l:secondArgument
        let l:index += 3
    elseif l:operation == s:LESS_THAN
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      let l:valueLocation = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 3)
      if l:firstArgument < l:secondArgument
        let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = 1
        let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = 0
      let l:index += 4
    elseif l:operation == s:EQUALS
      let l:firstArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 1)
      let l:secondArgument = s:readArgument(l:tape, l:index, 2)
      let l:valueLocation = s:readPointer(l:tape, l:index, 3)
      if l:firstArgument == l:secondArgument
        let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = 1
        let l:tape[l:valueLocation] = 0
      let l:index += 4
    elseif l:operation == s:HALT
      return {
        \'state': s:HALTED,
        \'tape': l:tape,
        \'index': l:index,
        \'inputs': l:inputs,
        \'outputs': l:outputs,
      throw "ERR: Unknown operation " . l:operation . " used"

function! s:createTape(tape, size) abort
  let l:index = 0
  let l:tape = []
  while l:index < a:size
    let l:tape = add(l:tape, get(a:tape, l:index, 0))
    let l:index += 1
  return l:tape

function! s:pow(number, power) abort
  if a:power == 0
    return 1
  return a:number * s:pow(a:number, a:power - 1)

function! s:readArgument(tape, index, offset) abort
  let l:parameterModes = a:tape[a:index] / 100
  let l:value = a:tape[a:index + a:offset]
  let l:mode = l:parameterModes / (s:pow(10, a:offset - 1)) % 10

  if l:mode == s:IMMEDIATE
    return l:value
  elseif l:mode == s:POSITION
    return a:tape[l:value]
    throw "ERR: Unknown parameter mode " . l:mode . " used"

function! s:readPointer(tape, index, offset) abort
  return a:tape[a:index + a:offset]

Part 2 has us complete the same task but with a couple of caveats. Firstly, the amplifiers are now running with feedback. This means they’re going in cycles, passing outputs to inputs as soon as they’re able. It is only when all of them halt that we finally know the answer. The main differences then are in the runAmplifiers function and the intcode implementation. To facilitate this mode of passing outputs and receiving inputs, I changed the intcode implementation to be able to yield back to the caller. This means it will only run until it hits an output (or halt) instruction, then return its entire state. If you run the function again with the state received, it will continue from where it left off. This way, in runAmplifiers, we can keep track of all the amplifiers’ state inside the runAmplifiers function itself, continually passing down new outputs, until the machines finally halt. The implementation remains the same otherwise.


I’m happy to finally take a look at the vim scripting language, as it will no doubt come in handy if I ever need to build my own plugins. Most of the plugins I use are built by Tim Pope and they’re all built with vim script. If you use vim, check out coc.nvim for intellisense, I can’t rave about it enough.

If you want to look at the code in full, I’m putting all of the Advent of Code solutions on GitHub.